200ml white sourdough starter

We kept our sourdough starter alive for over 40 years ago and have been keeping it alive ever since.

Allowing all of our breads to have a wonderful, flavourful and texture.  Perfect for all your sourdough creations from breads to croissants.

Feeding your sourdough starter-

Depending on where you keep your starter, will determine how you maintain it so if you leave it out on your countertop, it will need to be fed equal parts water and flour every 12-24 hours.

The common feeding ratios for sourdough starters include: 1:1:1 Ratio:  This ratio means using equal parts of flour, water, and starter by weight. For example, if you have 50 grams of the starter, you would feed it with 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of water.


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